Title: | Package for Reading Binary Files |
Description: | Functions and analytics for GENEA-compatible accelerometer data into R objects. See topic 'GENEAread' for an introduction to the package. See <https://activinsights.com/technology/geneactiv/> for more details on the GENEActiv device. |
Authors: | Zhou Fang [aut], Joss Langford [aut], Charles Sweetland [aut], Jia Ying Chua [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Jia Ying Chua <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.0.10 |
Built: | 2025-03-02 03:02:40 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/GENEAread |
This is a package to process binary output files from the GENEA accelerometer data.
The main functions are:
A function to process binary accelerometer files and convert the information into R objects.
read.bin( binfile, outfile = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, Use.Timestamps = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, do.temp = TRUE, do.volt = TRUE, calibrate = TRUE, downsample = NULL, blocksize, virtual = FALSE, mmap.load = (.Machine$sizeof.pointer >= 8), pagerefs = TRUE, ... )
read.bin( binfile, outfile = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, Use.Timestamps = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, do.temp = TRUE, do.volt = TRUE, calibrate = TRUE, downsample = NULL, blocksize, virtual = FALSE, mmap.load = (.Machine$sizeof.pointer >= 8), pagerefs = TRUE, ... )
binfile |
A filename of a file to process. |
outfile |
An optional filename specifying where to save the processed data object. |
start |
Either: A representation of when in the file to begin processing, see Details. |
end |
Either: A representation of when in the file to end processing, see Details. |
Use.Timestamps |
To use timestamps as the start and end time values this has to be set to TRUE. (Default FALSE) |
verbose |
A boolean variable indicating whether some information should be printed during processing should be printed. |
do.temp |
A boolean variable indicating whether the temperature signal should be extracted |
do.volt |
A boolean variable indicating whether the voltage signal should be extracted. |
calibrate |
A boolean variable indicating whether the raw accelerometer values and the light variable should be calibrated according to the calibration data in the headers. |
downsample |
A variable indicating the type of downsampling to apply to the data as it is loaded. Can take values: NULL: (Default) No downsampling Single numeric: Reads every downsample-th value, starting from the first. Length two numeric vector: Reads every downsample[1]-th value, starting from the downsample[2]-th. Non-integer, or non-divisor of 300 downsampling factors are allowed, but will lead to imprecise frequency calculations, leap seconds being introduced, and generally potential problems with other methods. Use with care. |
blocksize |
Integer value giving maximum number of data pages to read in each pass. Defaults to 10000 for larger data files. Sufficiently small sizes will split very large data files to read chunk by chunk, reducing memory requirements for the read.bin function (without affecting the final object), but conversely possibly increasing processing time. Can be set to Inf for no splitting. |
virtual |
logical. If set TRUE, do not do any actual data reading. Instead construct a VirtualAccData object containing header information to allow use with get.intervals |
mmap.load |
Default is (.Machine$sizeof.pointer >= 8). see |
pagerefs |
A variable that can take two forms, and is considered only for Computing pagerefs takes a little time and so is a little slower. However, it is safer than dynamic computations in the case of missing pages and high temperature variations. Further, once page references are calculated, future reads are much faster, so long as the previously computed references are supplied. |
... |
Any other optional arguments can be supplied that affect manual calibration and data processing. These are:
The main tasks performed by the package are listed below. The relevant topic contains documentation and examples for each.
Extraction of file header material is accomplished by header.info
Input and downsampling of data is accomplished by read.bin
Selection of time intervals is accomplished via get.intervals
Computation of epochal summaries is accomplished by epoch
and other functions documented therein.
Computation of STFT analyses is accomplished by stft
The package provides definitions and methods for the following S3 classes:
GRtime: Provides numeric storage and streamlined plotting for times. GRtime
AccData: Stores GENEA accelerometer data, allowing plotting, subsetting and other computation.AccData
VirtAccData: A virtual AccData object, for just-in-time data access via get.intervals
stft: Processed STFT outputs, for plotting via plot.stft
The read.bin package reads in binary files compatible with the GeneActiv line of Accelerometers, for further processing by the other functions in this package. Most of the default options are those required in the most common cases, though users are advised to consider setting start and end to smaller intervals and/or choosing some level of downsampling when working with data files of longer than 24 hours in length.
The function reads in the desired analysis time window specified by start and end. For convenience, a variety of time window formats are accepted:
Large integers are read as page numbers in the dataset. Page numbers larger than that which is available in the file itself are constrained to what is available. Note that the first page is page 1. Small values (between 0 and 1) are taken as proportions of the data. For example, ‘start = 0.5‘ would specify that reading should begin at the midpoint of the data. Strings are interpreted as dates and times using parse.time. In particular, times specified as "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" are taken as the earliest time interval containing these times in the file. Strings with an integer prepended, using a space seperator, as interpreted as that time after the appropriate number of midnights have passed - in other words, the appropriate time of day on the Nth full day. Days of the week and dates in "day/month", "day/month/year", "month-day", "year-month-day" are also handled. Note that the time is interpreted in the same time zone as the data recording itself.
Actual data reading proceeds by two methods, depending on whether mmap is true or false. With mmap = FALSE, data is read in line by line using readLine until blocksize is filled, and then processed. With mmap = TRUE, the mmap package is used to map the entire data file into an address file, byte locations are calculated (depending on the setting of pagerefs), blocksize chunks of data are loaded, and then processed as raw vectors.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods: the mmap
method is usually much faster,
especially when we are only loading the final parts of the data. readLines
will have to
process the entire file in such a case. On the other hand, mmap requires a large amount of memory address
space, and so can fail in 32 bit systems. Finally, reading of compressed bin files can only be done
with the readLine method. Generally, if mmap reading fails, the function will attempt to catch the
failure, and reprocess the file with the readLine method, giving a warning. Once data is loaded,
calibration is then either performed using values from the binary file, or using
manually inputted values (using the gain, offset,luxv and voltv arguments).
Reading in an entire .bin file will take a long time if the file contains a lot of datasets. Reading in such files without downsampling can use up all available memory. See memory.limit. This function is specific to header structure in GENEActiv output files. By design, it should be compatible with all firmware and software versions to date (as of version of current release). If order or field names are changed in future .bin files, this function may have to be updated appropriately.
Zhou Fang <[email protected]>
Activinsights Ltd. <[email protected]>
Charles Sweetland <[email protected]>
requireNamespace("GENEAread") binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] #Read in the entire file, calibrated procfile <- read.bin(binfile) # print(procfile) # procfile$data.out[1:5,] # Uncalibrated, mmap off procfile2 <- read.bin(binfile, calibrate = FALSE) # procfile2$data.out[1:5,] #Read in again, reusing already computed mmap pagerefs # procfile3 <- read.bin(binfile, pagerefs = procfile2$pagerefs ) #Downsample by a factor of 10 procfilelo<-read.bin(binfile, downsample = 10) # print(procfilelo) object.size(procfilelo) / object.size(procfile) #Read in a 1 minute interval procfileshort <- read.bin(binfile, start = "16:50", end = "16:51") # print(procfileshort) ##NOT RUN: Read, and save as a R workspace #read.bin(binfile, outfile = "tmp.Rdata") #print(load("tmp.Rdata")) #print(processedfile)
requireNamespace("GENEAread") binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] #Read in the entire file, calibrated procfile <- read.bin(binfile) # print(procfile) # procfile$data.out[1:5,] # Uncalibrated, mmap off procfile2 <- read.bin(binfile, calibrate = FALSE) # procfile2$data.out[1:5,] #Read in again, reusing already computed mmap pagerefs # procfile3 <- read.bin(binfile, pagerefs = procfile2$pagerefs ) #Downsample by a factor of 10 procfilelo<-read.bin(binfile, downsample = 10) # print(procfilelo) object.size(procfilelo) / object.size(procfile) #Read in a 1 minute interval procfileshort <- read.bin(binfile, start = "16:50", end = "16:51") # print(procfileshort) ##NOT RUN: Read, and save as a R workspace #read.bin(binfile, outfile = "tmp.Rdata") #print(load("tmp.Rdata")) #print(processedfile)
Accelerometer Data Output from read.bin function
An AccData object
Output of read.bin
requireNamespace("GENEAread") binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] #Read in the entire file, calibrated procfile<-read.bin(binfile) print(procfile) plot(procfile$temperature, xlim = c(min(procfile$data.out[,1]), max(procfile$data.out[,1])), ylim = c(10,40)) plot(procfile$data.out[,c(1,7)])
requireNamespace("GENEAread") binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] #Read in the entire file, calibrated procfile<-read.bin(binfile) print(procfile) plot(procfile$temperature, xlim = c(min(procfile$data.out[,1]), max(procfile$data.out[,1])), ylim = c(10,40)) plot(procfile$data.out[,c(1,7)])
extends time display from package chron to use h:m:s for > 1 day times.
convert.time(x, format = NULL)
convert.time(x, format = NULL)
x |
Object to process. For convert.time, must be numeric. |
format |
A character string indicating the form of output. See |
convert.time converts numerics to GRtime objects. The format argument allows a format string to be attached specifying the default format to display in. as.GRtime is a wrapper to convert.time, that when supplied with character input, coerces the value first to numeric using parse.time.
Computes epochal summary statistics for an "AccData" object, matrix, or vector, and collates into a matrix or vector.
apply.epoch(x, epoch.size = 10, incl.date = FALSE, FUN)
apply.epoch(x, epoch.size = 10, incl.date = FALSE, FUN)
x |
The object to compute statistics for. Can be an "AccData" object, a matrix, or a vector. |
epoch.size |
Numeric giving intervals to consider and aggregate. For "AccData" x taken as seconds. Otherwise, considered as rows, or as individual readings. |
incl.date |
logical. If TRUE, include a column of times or original indices with the results. |
A function to be applied to each epoch. |
These functions compute epochal summary statistics for "AccData" objects, matrices and vectors.
apply.epoch is the general function - according to the size of epoch.size, it splits up the x into collections of consecutive rows, each with the same size. These are then successively supplied to FUN as its first argument. If the result of FUN is a single value, then the results are concatenated into a vector output. Otherwise, an array is formed with each row corresponding to a single epochal group. For AccData, the sampling frequency of the dataset is used to interpret the epoch size in seconds. Otherwise, the raw record indices are used. If incl.date is set, the original timestamp vector of the data, or the original indices, are downsampled and included as the first column of the output.
The remaining functions are wrappers that compute various commonly useful statistics – in particular, applied to "AccData" objects and arrays, they by default compute the epochal SVM mean, standard deviation, median, median absolute deviation, and autocorrelation, and sample quantiles respectively. (Arrays are treated as each column representing the x, y, and z components respectively.) Applied to vector input, processing will occur without the SVM calculation. This behaviour may be overridden by the sqrt setting, which will force the function to use the squared (default for arrays and "AccData") or original unit (default for vectors) values in the statistical analysis.
A vector or array giving the computed epochal summaries. With incl.date = TRUE, the result is given as a data.frame suitable for plotting.
## Not run: dat <- read.bin(system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] , calibrate = TRUE) #look for the epochs that exceed a certain threshold 50% of the time plot(apply.epoch( dat, epoch.size = 3 , FUN = function(t) mean(abs(svm(t) -1)>0.2)> 0.5 ), type = "l") plot(dat[,1], svm(dat), log = "y", pch = ".") lines(mean.epoch(dat, incl.date = TRUE), lwd = 2) lines(mean.epoch(dat, epoch.size = 30, incl.date = TRUE), col = 2, lwd = 2) # This should give all the same results, but by a different way lines(apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = 30, FUN = function(A) mean(svm(A, FALSE)), incl.date = TRUE), col = 3) epsize = 30 lines(apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = epsize, FUN = function(t) median(t[,1])), apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = epsize, FUN = function(A) mean(svm(A, FALSE))), col = 4) #note this is different lines(apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = epsize, FUN = function(t) median(t[,1])), apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = epsize, FUN = function(A) mean(svm(A, sqrt = TRUE)))^2, col = 5) #plot some statistics par(mfrow = c(5,1), mar = c(1,4.5,1,1)) plot(sd.epoch(dat), type="l") plot(median.epoch(dat), type= "l") plot(mad.epoch(dat), type= "l") plot(acf.epoch(dat), type = "l") plot(autocor.epoch(dat), type= "l") tmp = quantile.epoch(dat, quantiles= c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9)); matplot(tmp, type = "l") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: dat <- read.bin(system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] , calibrate = TRUE) #look for the epochs that exceed a certain threshold 50% of the time plot(apply.epoch( dat, epoch.size = 3 , FUN = function(t) mean(abs(svm(t) -1)>0.2)> 0.5 ), type = "l") plot(dat[,1], svm(dat), log = "y", pch = ".") lines(mean.epoch(dat, incl.date = TRUE), lwd = 2) lines(mean.epoch(dat, epoch.size = 30, incl.date = TRUE), col = 2, lwd = 2) # This should give all the same results, but by a different way lines(apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = 30, FUN = function(A) mean(svm(A, FALSE)), incl.date = TRUE), col = 3) epsize = 30 lines(apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = epsize, FUN = function(t) median(t[,1])), apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = epsize, FUN = function(A) mean(svm(A, FALSE))), col = 4) #note this is different lines(apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = epsize, FUN = function(t) median(t[,1])), apply.epoch(dat, epoch.size = epsize, FUN = function(A) mean(svm(A, sqrt = TRUE)))^2, col = 5) #plot some statistics par(mfrow = c(5,1), mar = c(1,4.5,1,1)) plot(sd.epoch(dat), type="l") plot(median.epoch(dat), type= "l") plot(mad.epoch(dat), type= "l") plot(acf.epoch(dat), type = "l") plot(autocor.epoch(dat), type= "l") tmp = quantile.epoch(dat, quantiles= c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9)); matplot(tmp, type = "l") ## End(Not run)
Function starts by identifying ten second windows of non-movement. Next, the average acceleration per axis per window is used to estimate calibration error (offset and scaling) per axis. The function provides recommended correction factors to address the calibration error and a summary of the callibration procedure.
GENEActiv.calibrate( binfile, use.temp = TRUE, spherecrit = 0.3, minloadcrit = 72, printsummary = TRUE, chunksize = c(), windowsizes = c(5, 900, 3600) )
GENEActiv.calibrate( binfile, use.temp = TRUE, spherecrit = 0.3, minloadcrit = 72, printsummary = TRUE, chunksize = c(), windowsizes = c(5, 900, 3600) )
binfile |
A filename of a file to process. |
use.temp |
use temperature sensor data for calibration |
spherecrit |
The minimum required acceleration value (in g) on both sides of 0 g for each axis. Used to judge whether the sphere is sufficiently populated |
minloadcrit |
The minimum number of hours the code needs to read for the autocalibration procedure to be effective (only sensitive to multitudes of 12 hrs, other values will be ceiled). After loading these hours only extra data is loaded if calibration error has not been reduced to under 0.01 g |
printsummary |
if TRUE will print a summary when done |
chunksize |
number between 0.2 and 1 to specificy the size of chunks to be loaded as a fraction of a 12 hour period, e.g. 0.5 equals 6 hour chunks. The default is 1 (12 hrs). For machines with less than 4Gb of RAM memory a value below 1 is recommended. |
windowsizes |
Three values to indicate the lengths of the windows as in c(window1,window2,window3): window1 is the short epoch length in seconds and by default 5 this is the time window over which acceleration and angle metrics are calculated, window2 is the long epoch length in seconds for which non-wear and signal clipping are defined, default 900. However, window3 is the window length of data used for non-wear detection and by default 3600 seconds. So, when window3 is larger than window2 we use overlapping windows, while if window2 equals window3 non-wear periods are assessed by non-overlapping windows. |
The outputs from the function are as follows
scale scaling correction values, e.g. c(1,1,1)
offset offset correction values, e.g. c(0,0,0)
tempoffset correction values related to temperature, e.g. c(0,0,0)
cal.error.start absolute difference between Euclidean norm during all non-movement windows and 1 g before autocalibration
cal.error.end absolute difference between Euclidean norm during all non-movement windows and 1 g after autocalibration
spheredata average, standard deviation, Euclidean norm and temperature (if available) for all ten second non-movement windows as used for the autocalibration procedure
npoints number of 10 second no-movement windows used to populate the sphere
nhoursused number of hours of measurement data scanned to find the ten second time windows with no movement
meantempcal mean temperature corresponding to the data as used for autocalibration.
Vincent T van Hees <[email protected]> Zhou Fang Charles Sweetland <[email protected]>
van Hees VT, Fang Z, Langford J, Assah F, Mohammad A, da Silva IC, Trenell MI, White T, Wareham NJ, Brage S. Auto-calibration of accelerometer data for free-living physical activity assessment using local gravity and temperature: an evaluation on four continents. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2014 Aug 7
Function for extracting sub intervals of data, and implementation of just-in-time loading.
get.intervals(x, start=0, end = 1, length = NULL, time.format = c("auto", "seconds", "days", "proportion", "measurements", "time"), incl.date = FALSE, simplify = TRUE ,read.from.file=FALSE, size=Inf, ...)
get.intervals(x, start=0, end = 1, length = NULL, time.format = c("auto", "seconds", "days", "proportion", "measurements", "time"), incl.date = FALSE, simplify = TRUE ,read.from.file=FALSE, size=Inf, ...)
x |
Object to process. Can be array, |
start |
Start of interval. |
end |
End of interval. |
length |
Length of interval. |
time.format |
Method with which |
incl.date |
logical. Include a column denoting time? |
simplify |
logical. If TRUE, output an array. Otherwise output a AccData object. |
read.from.file |
logical. If TRUE, re-read the relevant time interval from the original bin file. |
size |
Desired number of samples in output. |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
The function extracts the desired analysis time window specified by start
and end
If length is specified, then the end is set to a point length
units after start.
The times are interpreted in terms of time.format
. For convenience, a variety of time
window formats are accepted:
"seconds": Seconds since start of dataset.
"days": Days since start of dataset.
"proportion": Proportional point within dataset, given as a numeric between 0 and 1.
"measurements": Raw number of samples since start of dataset.
"time": Time string, as understood via parse.time
"auto": Default - attempt to determine time format from size and type of start
Some capacity for using mixed types of inputs for start
and length
in particular is present.
The input object x
is typically an "AccData" object, though arrays are also accepted. "VirtAccData"
are dealt with by using the timestamp and call information recorded within them to do a new read of the
original bin file, assuming this is still available. This is useful for 'just in time' reads of data.
"AccData" can be dealt with in this way by setting read.from.file
Note that for read.from.file
, only "time" and "proportion" time.format
are presently supported.
With simplify = FALSE
, an "AccData" S3 object with the desired records.
Otherwise, an array containing either 3 or 4 columns, containing the x, y, z acceleration vectors and optionally a time vector.
, AccData
, get.intervals
binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] #Read in a highly downsampled version of the file procfile<-read.bin(binfile, downsample = 100) print(procfile) #Overlay some segments in different colour lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = 0.4, end = 0.5, time.format = "prop", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=2) lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = 0.4, end = 5, time.format = "sec", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=3) lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = "16:51", end = "16:52", time.format = "time", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=4) # Note that measurements will depend on the downsampling rate, # not the original sampling rate of the data lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = 100, length = 10, time.format = "measurement", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=5) #This is also understood lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = "16:52:10", 30, incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=6) #Now load in virtually virtfile<-read.bin(binfile, virtual = TRUE) #Notice that get.intervals with simplify = FALSE gives a genuine AccData object realfile = get.intervals(virtfile, start = 0.5, end = 1, simplify = FALSE) virtfile realfile #get.intervals calls read.bin automatically points(get.intervals(virtfile, start = "16:52:10", "16:52:40", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=4, pch = ".") #Alternatively, re-read procfile at a different resampling rate. lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = "16:49:00", "16:49:30", incl.date = TRUE, read.from.file = TRUE, downsample = 300)[,1:2], col=2)
binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] #Read in a highly downsampled version of the file procfile<-read.bin(binfile, downsample = 100) print(procfile) #Overlay some segments in different colour lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = 0.4, end = 0.5, time.format = "prop", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=2) lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = 0.4, end = 5, time.format = "sec", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=3) lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = "16:51", end = "16:52", time.format = "time", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=4) # Note that measurements will depend on the downsampling rate, # not the original sampling rate of the data lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = 100, length = 10, time.format = "measurement", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=5) #This is also understood lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = "16:52:10", 30, incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=6) #Now load in virtually virtfile<-read.bin(binfile, virtual = TRUE) #Notice that get.intervals with simplify = FALSE gives a genuine AccData object realfile = get.intervals(virtfile, start = 0.5, end = 1, simplify = FALSE) virtfile realfile #get.intervals calls read.bin automatically points(get.intervals(virtfile, start = "16:52:10", "16:52:40", incl.date = TRUE)[,1:2], col=4, pch = ".") #Alternatively, re-read procfile at a different resampling rate. lines(get.intervals(procfile, start = "16:49:00", "16:49:30", incl.date = TRUE, read.from.file = TRUE, downsample = 300)[,1:2], col=2)
Stores date time data as a numeric, with facility for pretty printing and axis commands.
as.GRtime(x, format = NULL, ...)
as.GRtime(x, format = NULL, ...)
x |
Object to process. For |
format |
A character string indicating the form of output. See |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
The GRtime class handles dates and times for the GENEAread class. The class treats dates as numerics
denoting seconds since the UNIX epoch, with potentially a string attached specifying the format to print in.
Unlike POSIXct
, we avoid some of the processing, especially with respect to time zones, and allow
some more flexibility in time computation and display. A range of operators are defined.
converts numerics to GRtime objects. The format
argument allows a format
string to be attached specifying the default format to display in. as.GRtime
is a wrapper to
, that when supplied with character input, coerces the value first to numeric using
formats GRtime objects for pretty printing. If format
is provided as argument,
that is used. Else, if the format
attribute is set on x
, that is used. Finally, if formats
are not provided, and x
is of length greater than one, the range of values of x
is used to
decide the units displayed. Numerics are also accepted - they are coerced to GRtime.
is used to plot GRtime axis, choosing, by default, breakpoints that give 'pretty' sub
intervals. Note that plot.default
uses axis.GRtime
by default if supplied with a
GRtime object in one of the directions. However, image.default
based functions do not use
the class axis functions, so axes must be plotted manually.
computes 'pretty' breakpoints, using the algorithm of pretty.POSIXt
Attributes are preserved.
For convert.time
, as.GRtime
and pretty.GRtime
, a GRtime object.
For format.GRtime
a character string representation.
For axis.GRtime
a list containing positions and labels for axis markers.
, get.intervals
, AccData
as.GRtime("00:01") #format is automatically set convert.time(1:10) convert.time(1:10*1000) #we add a different default format convert.time(1:10*1000, "%H:%M:%OS3") -> t t str(t) # we override format with our own format(t, format = "%a %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%OS3") # plot calls axis.GRtime automatically. Notice # that the format attribute is used. plot(t, 1:10) #strip out the default format t2 = convert.time(t, format = NULL) plot(t2, 1:10) # image plots are a bit more complex Z = matrix(rnorm(100), 10) image(x = t, y = t2, z = Z, axes = FALSE) Axis(x = t, side = 1) #Axis also works box() #complete the bounding box # custom axes plot(t2, 1:10, xaxt = "n")
as.GRtime("00:01") #format is automatically set convert.time(1:10) convert.time(1:10*1000) #we add a different default format convert.time(1:10*1000, "%H:%M:%OS3") -> t t str(t) # we override format with our own format(t, format = "%a %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%OS3") # plot calls axis.GRtime automatically. Notice # that the format attribute is used. plot(t, 1:10) #strip out the default format t2 = convert.time(t, format = NULL) plot(t2, 1:10) # image plots are a bit more complex Z = matrix(rnorm(100), 10) image(x = t, y = t2, z = Z, axes = FALSE) Axis(x = t, side = 1) #Axis also works box() #complete the bounding box # custom axes plot(t2, 1:10, xaxt = "n")
A hanning window used by the STFT function
n |
number of points inside the window |
Function to extract relevant header fields and values from a file.
header.info(binfile, more=TRUE)
header.info(binfile, more=TRUE)
binfile |
The file from which to extract the header |
more |
logical. If TRUE, extract additional data from file useful for calibration and data reading. |
The function extracts useful information from a .bin file, such as information about the GENEA device used to produce the output, and characteristics of the subject who wore the device. The function also accepts data that has been compressed in ‘gzip’, ‘bzip2’ or ‘xz’ formats. See file
With more
set to TRUE, additional data is extracted, mainly for internal use in read.bin
THis function is specific to header structure in GENEActiv output files. By design, it should be compatible with all firmware and software versions to date (as of version of current release). If order or field names are changed in future .bin files, this function may have to be updated appropriately. The function works by looking for appropriate section headings in the .bin files.
A data.frame
with extracted header information, each row a particular header field with its value.
If more
is TRUE, an attribute "calibration" is attached to the object, consisting of a list with measurement offsets, sampling frequency estimates, start times and time zones, data position offsets, and if mmap is detected, byte locations and increments for mmap reading.
fileheader <- header.info(system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1], more = TRUE) print(fileheader) attr(fileheader, "calibration")
fileheader <- header.info(system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1], more = TRUE) print(fileheader) attr(fileheader, "calibration")
Converts a character vector in a variety of forms into either the raw second, second classed as POSIXct, or days since Unix epoch.
parse.time(t="",format=c("seconds", "days", "POSIX"), tzone = 0, start = NULL, startmidnight = NULL)
parse.time(t="",format=c("seconds", "days", "POSIX"), tzone = 0, start = NULL, startmidnight = NULL)
t |
A character string representation of a date-time expression. |
format |
A character string indicating which representation to output. Can be either |
tzone |
The time zone the time is given in, expressed as an offset from UTC in hours. |
start |
Earliest allowable time stamp in the data, as seconds since Unix epoch. |
startmidnight |
Midnight of day '0' in the data, as seconds since Unix epoch. |
The function processes character vectors of the form "DATE TIME" – that is to say, a maximum of two terms separated by a space per value.
"TIME" is given in 24 hour format, seperated by colons, in "hh:mm", "hh:mm:ss", "hh:mm:ss:ms" or "hh:mm:ss.ms" format. If ommitted, the time is taken to be 00:00:00.000.
"DATE" can be a date representation as "YYYY-MM-DD", "DD/MM/YY" or "DD/MM/YYYY" (noting the use of a colon or backslash seperator to distinguish between the two). Alternatively, with start
and/or startmidnight
supplied, an integer "NN" or string "DOW" corresponding to a day of the week can be used instead. Then, the function will find the first timestamp matching the correct "TIME", that falls NN midnights after startmidnight
and is after start
, or, in the latter case, the first timestamp after the day of start
that matches the appropriate day of the week. If a blank "DATE" is supplied, the function will either use the UNIX epoch, or find the first match, corresponding to the case NN = 0.
Once this is done the time is converted to the required format: POSIX
is the usual R POSIXct format; days
is the julian days since UNIX epoch 1970-1-1; seconds
is the number of seconds (including subseconds) since 1970-1-1. Note that for formats other than POSIX, the output is in the same timezone as tzone
. POSIX stores the time internally as the time in UTC, and applies a format that gives this time local to the user.
A converted date-time string in the specified format. In the case of "seconds", or "days", a numeric. For POSIX, a POSIXct
t1 = parse.time("2012-06-21 13:04:01"); print(t1) parse.time("21/06/12 13:04:01") #gives the same result parse.time(c("19/07/70", "20/07/70"), format = "days") #results here will depend on your locale parse.time(c("19/07/70", "20/07/70"), format = "POSIX", tzone = -4) #one is the same day, one can only find a match the next day parse.time("13:05", start = t1) - t1 parse.time("13:00", start = t1) - t1 #asking to wait 1 midnight means both times are considered as #times on the same, full day of data parse.time(c("1 13:05", "1 13:00"), start = t1) - t1 #2012-06-21 is a Thursday, so this is equivalent parse.time(c("Fri 13:05", "Fri 13:00"), start = t1) - t1 #Longer form days of the week are also understood. Note that #the first day does not get matched. parse.time(c("Thursday 13:05", "Thursday 13:00"), start = t1) - t1
t1 = parse.time("2012-06-21 13:04:01"); print(t1) parse.time("21/06/12 13:04:01") #gives the same result parse.time(c("19/07/70", "20/07/70"), format = "days") #results here will depend on your locale parse.time(c("19/07/70", "20/07/70"), format = "POSIX", tzone = -4) #one is the same day, one can only find a match the next day parse.time("13:05", start = t1) - t1 parse.time("13:00", start = t1) - t1 #asking to wait 1 midnight means both times are considered as #times on the same, full day of data parse.time(c("1 13:05", "1 13:00"), start = t1) - t1 #2012-06-21 is a Thursday, so this is equivalent parse.time(c("Fri 13:05", "Fri 13:00"), start = t1) - t1 #Longer form days of the week are also understood. Note that #the first day does not get matched. parse.time(c("Thursday 13:05", "Thursday 13:00"), start = t1) - t1
Processes a dataset, creating an object contained processed time-frequency analyses. These can then be plotted.
## S3 method for class 'stft' plot( x, mode = c("decibels", "modulus", "pval"), log = "", showmax = TRUE, median = FALSE, xaxis = TRUE, topthresh, reassign = (!(is.null(x$LGD)) && !("mv" %in% x$type)), ylim, xlim, new = TRUE, zlim.raw, zlim.quantile, cex, col = gray(63:0/63), ... )
## S3 method for class 'stft' plot( x, mode = c("decibels", "modulus", "pval"), log = "", showmax = TRUE, median = FALSE, xaxis = TRUE, topthresh, reassign = (!(is.null(x$LGD)) && !("mv" %in% x$type)), ylim, xlim, new = TRUE, zlim.raw, zlim.quantile, cex, col = gray(63:0/63), ... )
x |
"stft" class object to be processed. |
mode |
What should be plotted?
log |
For |
showmax |
Vector or logical. Compute and plot the principle frequency components? |
median |
logical. If TRUE, smooth the STFT plot in the time direction with a running median. |
xaxis |
logical. If TRUE, plot pretty time axes. |
topthresh |
For finite values, crop plot for frequencies higher than this value, and show a summary plot up top. |
reassign |
logical. Plot reassigned stft, if available? |
xlim , ylim
Parameters controlling axes limits of plot. |
new |
logical. If TRUE, make a new plot. Otherwise overlay on to existing plot. |
zlim.raw |
Raw values at which to threshold values for computation of heatmap colours. |
zlim.quantile |
Quantile values at which to threshold values for computation of heatmap colours. |
cex |
Size of points for reassigned STFT plotting. |
col |
Vector of colours to be used for plotting. |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to methods. |
STFT objects are created by the stft
function. These methods print some useful summary statistics about them, and produce plots.
determines the type of plot. "decibel" and "modulus" work with the raw values, while "pvalue" conducts some degree of normalisation in each time window and so is perhaps more useful for data showing a large variation in sd across different points in time. If the null.calc
was set in the original stft argument, that is used - otherwise, an Exponential distribution is fit to each window, and the pvalues computed from that.
By default, the function uses some empirical quantile based colour thresholds designed to give somewhat reasonable and informative plots. This can be overridden, however, by setting different zlim.raw
or zlim.quantile
results. This can be useful for comparing two different datasets.
Reassigned stft plots are constructed, by default, when they are available, and when the original was not a "mv" stft. Unlike the heatmap used in the usual stft plot, a 2d scatterplot is used instead. This means that if there are few data points, it can be advantageous to set a higher cex
value for larger points and better display.
With Accelerometer data, often the frequencies of interest are concentrated at the lower frequencies. Topthresh crops the frequency display to show only those frequencies. A summary plot is show on the top, to compensate. Choosing a grid of frequencies, this plot draws one line to represent the energies present in the signal at that particular frequency, and higher. Black lines are drawn for frequencies less than 2/3 the topthresh
, red lines for 2/3 - 1 times topthresh
, and blue lines for frequencies higher than topthresh
. Alternative, set log = "y"
to put frequencies on a log scale.
These functions are run for their side effects.
## Not run: # Real data binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] #Read in the entire file, calibrated procfile<-read.bin(binfile) #Create stft object obj = stft(procfile, type = "svm", quiet = TRUE) #Look at it print(obj) plot(obj, cex = 5) plot(obj, showmax = FALSE, cex = 5) #suppress principals #pval plot plot(obj, mode = "pval", cex = 5) #disable reassigned stft plot(obj, mode = "pval", reassign = FALSE) #median smoothing plot(obj, mode = "pval", reassign = FALSE, median = TRUE) #log scale frequency, no top bar dev.new(); plot(obj, mode = "pval", reassign = FALSE, topthresh = Inf, log = "y") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Real data binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] #Read in the entire file, calibrated procfile<-read.bin(binfile) #Create stft object obj = stft(procfile, type = "svm", quiet = TRUE) #Look at it print(obj) plot(obj, cex = 5) plot(obj, showmax = FALSE, cex = 5) #suppress principals #pval plot plot(obj, mode = "pval", cex = 5) #disable reassigned stft plot(obj, mode = "pval", reassign = FALSE) #median smoothing plot(obj, mode = "pval", reassign = FALSE, median = TRUE) #log scale frequency, no top bar dev.new(); plot(obj, mode = "pval", reassign = FALSE, topthresh = Inf, log = "y") ## End(Not run)
print the stft object
## S3 method for class 'stft' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'stft' print(x, ...)
x |
stft object |
... |
ignored |
Taking a GENEActiv binfile and using the recalibration script to create a new calibrated binfile
recalibrate( datadir, outputdir, use.temp = TRUE, spherecrit = 0.3, minloadcrit = 72, printsummary = TRUE, chunksize = c(0.5), windowsizes = c(60, 900, 3600) )
recalibrate( datadir, outputdir, use.temp = TRUE, spherecrit = 0.3, minloadcrit = 72, printsummary = TRUE, chunksize = c(0.5), windowsizes = c(60, 900, 3600) )
datadir |
The location of the directory/file containing GENEActiv binfile. |
outputdir |
The location of the directory/file for the calibrated files to be saved. |
use.temp |
Use temperature sensor data if available (Geneactive only) |
spherecrit |
the minimum required acceleration value (in g) on both sides of 0 g for each axis. Used to judge whether the sphere is sufficiently populated |
minloadcrit |
the minimum number of hours the code needs to read for the autocalibration procedure to be effective (only sensitive to multitudes of 12 hrs, other values will be ceiled). After loading these hours only extra data is loaded if calibration error has not been reduced to under 0.01 g. |
printsummary |
if TRUE will print a summary when done chunksize number between 0.2 and 1 to specificy the size of chunks to be loaded as a fraction of a 12 hour period, e.g. 0.5 equals 6 hour chunks. The default is 1 (12 hrs). For machines with less than 4Gb of RAM memory a value below 1 is recommended. |
chunksize |
number between 0.2 and 1 to specificy the size of chunks to be loaded as a fraction of a 12 hour period, e.g. 0.5 equals 6 hour chunks. The default is 1 (12 hrs). For machines with less than 4Gb of RAM memory a value below 1 is recommended. |
windowsizes |
Three values to indicate the lengths of the windows as in c(window1,window2,window3): window1 is the short epoch length in seconds and by default 5 this is the time window over which acceleration and angle metrics are calculated, window2 is the long epoch length in seconds for which non-wear and signal clipping are defined, default 900. However, window3 is the window length of data used for non-wear detection and by default 3600 seconds. So, when window3 is larger than window2 we use overlapping windows, while if window2 equals window3 non-wear periods are assessed by non-overlapping windows. |
Takes each binfile found in the data directory, calibrates according to the routine by Vincent T. van Hees and saves the calibrated file to the specificied output directory
Saves a calibrated binfile to an output folder
## Not run: DataDirectory = "C:/Users/DataDirectory" ReCalibrate(DataDirectory) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: DataDirectory = "C:/Users/DataDirectory" ReCalibrate(DataDirectory) ## End(Not run)
Processes a dataset, creating an object contained processed time-frequency analyses. These can then be plotted.
stft(X, start=0, end=1, length=NULL, time.format = c("auto"), type = c("mv", "svm", "sum"), mv.indices, date.col, reassign = TRUE, plot.it = FALSE,...)
stft(X, start=0, end=1, length=NULL, time.format = c("auto"), type = c("mv", "svm", "sum"), mv.indices, date.col, reassign = TRUE, plot.it = FALSE,...)
X |
The dataset to be processed. |
start , end , length , time.format
A specification for the segment to process, as in get.intervals. |
type |
The type of STFT to compute. |
mv.indices |
For type = "mv" or type = "sum", the indices to process and the order to process them in. |
date.col |
logical. Whether the first column should be ignored and treated as a timestamp. If unset, is automatically chosen. |
reassign |
logical. If TRUE, compute the time-reassigned STFT. For type c("mv", "sum"), this is done with the first coordinate in mv.indices. |
plot.it |
logical. Whether to plot the STFT immediately when processing is complete, using the default plot.stft options. |
... |
Additional optional arguments to control the STFT computation. These are:
This function accepts input in a variety of forms and computes short time fourier transforms to extract frequency structure from the data.X may be an array, a vector, or an AccData object. If date.col is TRUE, the first column of an array X would be used to determine timestamps. Otherwise indices would be used. If date.col is not set, the function will attempt to determine whether the first column is timestamp-like. The timestamp column is removed from X (and so not included in consideration of mv.indices, for instance). With vectors, the basic method is to compute the STFT by creating windows of size win seconds every inc seconds, and computing the fourier transform. With multi-dimensional data and AccData, processing is done on the dimensions that are in mv.indices, or the first three non-date columns if that is unavailable. Three methods are possible:
1. type = "mv": The one dimensional method is first applied to each of the chosen column indices. These are then collated by choosing, for each time-frequency combination, the maximum such value across each of the indices.
2. type = "svm": The SVM is computed first for each time step by computing the square rooted sum of squares. This is then dealt with using the one dimensional method.
3. type = "sum": As in "mv", the 1d method is applied. The square of the modulus of the result is then summed and square rooted.
If reassign is set, the time reassigned stft is also computed for the first element of mv.indices or the svm as appropriate, by using finite differencing. This gives potentially better resolution results for data with a clear signal component.
A "stft" class object - a list with the following components:
call: The function call.
type: Type of STFT computed.
values: Mod of FFT computed, with each row corresponding to a specific time increment.
increment,windowsize,centre,sampling.frequency: Various control parameters used in the computation.
null.logmean,null.logsd: Log of the square rooted mean and standard deviation of the Mod FFT squared for the randomised data, if calc.null = TRUE.
p.values: Wilcoxian pvalues, if pvalues = TRUE.
principals: Principal frequencies.
frequency: Frequencies at which FFT is computed.
time: Timestamps for FFT windows.
LGD: Local group delay matrix for reassigned STFT.
CIF: Channelized instantaneous frequency matrix for reassigned STFT.
Fulop, S.A. & Fitz, K. (2006). Algorithms for computing the time-corrected instantaneous frequency (reassigned) spectrogram, with applications J Acoustical Society of America 119(1), 360–371. Nelson. D.J. (2001). Cross-spectral methods for processing speech J Acoustical Society of America 110(1), 2575-2592.
## Not run: #Some artificial data time = 1:5000 #sum of two sine curves at 0.3 Hz and 0.05 Hz f1 = 0.3; f2 = 0.05 sin1 = sin(time * f1 * 2*pi) sin2 = sin(time * f2 * 2*pi) #add a bit of noise signal = sin1 + sin2 + 1*rnorm(5000) #non-reassigned stft(signal, plot = TRUE, reassign = FALSE, win = 100) #reassigned stft(signal, plot = TRUE, reassign = TRUE, win = 100) #add a third component: varying frequency. stft(signal + sin(cumsum(seq(f2, f1, length = 5000))*2*pi), plot = TRUE, reassign = TRUE, win = 100) # Real data binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] # Read in the entire file, calibrated procfile<-read.bin(binfile) # Default is mv stft(procfile, plot.it = TRUE) # Try sum? stft(procfile, plot.it = TRUE, type = "sum", reassign = FALSE) # Just look at the last 50% of the data stft(procfile, start = 0.5, plot.it = TRUE) # not reassigned, svm stft(procfile, type = "svm", reassign = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE) # a narrower 5 second window means better time resolution stft(procfile, type = "svm", reassign = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE, win = 5) # choose increments so as not to overlap stft(procfile, type = "svm", reassign = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE, win = 5, inc = 5) # uniform windows stft(procfile, type = "svm", reassign = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE, wtype = "uniform.window") # Svm, reassigned, quietly obj = stft(procfile, type = "svm", quiet = TRUE) plot(obj, cex = 3, showmax = FALSE, mode = "pval") #example code plot(stft(subs(mag, 0.94,0.96), win = 1024, plot = F, coef = 512), zlog = T, log="y") plot(stft(subs(mag, 0.7,8), win = 1024, plot = F, coef = 512), zlog = T, log="y") plot(stft(subs(mag, 0.0001,0.005), win = 1024, plot = F, coef = 512), zlog = T) plot(stft(subs(mag, 0.7,0.8), win = 1024, plot = F), zlog = T, log = "y") plot(stft(rep(1, 1000) + c(sin(1:500/ 10 * 2*pi), rep(0, 500)) + c(rep(0, 300),sin(1:500/ 20 * 2*pi), rep(0, 200)), freq = 1, plot.it = F), log="x") stft(sin(1:1000 / (1 +sqrt(1000:1)) * 2 * pi), freq = 1) stft(rep(1, 1000) + sin(1:1000/ 10 * 2*pi), freq = 1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #Some artificial data time = 1:5000 #sum of two sine curves at 0.3 Hz and 0.05 Hz f1 = 0.3; f2 = 0.05 sin1 = sin(time * f1 * 2*pi) sin2 = sin(time * f2 * 2*pi) #add a bit of noise signal = sin1 + sin2 + 1*rnorm(5000) #non-reassigned stft(signal, plot = TRUE, reassign = FALSE, win = 100) #reassigned stft(signal, plot = TRUE, reassign = TRUE, win = 100) #add a third component: varying frequency. stft(signal + sin(cumsum(seq(f2, f1, length = 5000))*2*pi), plot = TRUE, reassign = TRUE, win = 100) # Real data binfile = system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1] # Read in the entire file, calibrated procfile<-read.bin(binfile) # Default is mv stft(procfile, plot.it = TRUE) # Try sum? stft(procfile, plot.it = TRUE, type = "sum", reassign = FALSE) # Just look at the last 50% of the data stft(procfile, start = 0.5, plot.it = TRUE) # not reassigned, svm stft(procfile, type = "svm", reassign = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE) # a narrower 5 second window means better time resolution stft(procfile, type = "svm", reassign = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE, win = 5) # choose increments so as not to overlap stft(procfile, type = "svm", reassign = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE, win = 5, inc = 5) # uniform windows stft(procfile, type = "svm", reassign = FALSE, plot.it = TRUE, wtype = "uniform.window") # Svm, reassigned, quietly obj = stft(procfile, type = "svm", quiet = TRUE) plot(obj, cex = 3, showmax = FALSE, mode = "pval") #example code plot(stft(subs(mag, 0.94,0.96), win = 1024, plot = F, coef = 512), zlog = T, log="y") plot(stft(subs(mag, 0.7,8), win = 1024, plot = F, coef = 512), zlog = T, log="y") plot(stft(subs(mag, 0.0001,0.005), win = 1024, plot = F, coef = 512), zlog = T) plot(stft(subs(mag, 0.7,0.8), win = 1024, plot = F), zlog = T, log = "y") plot(stft(rep(1, 1000) + c(sin(1:500/ 10 * 2*pi), rep(0, 500)) + c(rep(0, 300),sin(1:500/ 20 * 2*pi), rep(0, 200)), freq = 1, plot.it = F), log="x") stft(sin(1:1000 / (1 +sqrt(1000:1)) * 2 * pi), freq = 1) stft(rep(1, 1000) + sin(1:1000/ 10 * 2*pi), freq = 1) ## End(Not run)
svm acts identically to 'mean.epoch', with the epoch set to the sampling period. In other words, it computes the instantaneous sum of vector magnitudes of the acceleration at each record point. The function takes "AccData", array and vector input. Note that if provided with an array with 4 or more columns, columns 2 to 4 are used – the first column is regard as a timestamp and hence ignored.
svm(obj, sqrt)
svm(obj, sqrt)
obj |
AccData object |
sqrt |
Function to use to calculate SVM |
dat <- read.bin(system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1], calibrate = TRUE) svm(dat)
dat <- read.bin(system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin", package = "GENEAread")[1], calibrate = TRUE) svm(dat)
A uniform window used by the STFT function
n |
number of points inside the window |